I found this post very helpful in getting phoenix 1.2 working with react: https://medium.com/@diamondgfx/phoenix-v1-1-2-and-react-js-3dbd195a880a#.ca6t05mv9
I was unable to get bower working, and followed the above blogs instruction wiht some success. Hope i get time to do an update.
I added the following to get reflux working. I have to include everythign everywhere, not sure why.
npm install --save reflux bootstrap
About this blog: This blog will discuss technology associated with my idgon.com project. I am using Elixir and Phoenix for my backend, and React.js and Reflux for my front end. I have a library called Trabant to experiment with graph database persistence for Elixir. The views expressed on this blog are my own, and are not that of my current employer.
About Me: I am a hobbyist programmer interested in distributed computing. I dabble in Elixir, Ruby, and Javascript. I can't spell very well, and I enjoy golf.