import Html exposing (text,div,br)
import Json.Encode
import Markdown
type alias R = List(String,String)
t = ("a","b")
r = [t,t]
s = "foo"
enc = encPair t
encPair : (String,String) -> Json.Encode.Value
encPair r =
(a,b) = r
Json.Encode.object [(a, Json.Encode.string b)]
encLst : R -> Json.Encode.Value
encLst lst = (\x -> encPair x) lst |> Json.Encode.list
jMark : String -> String
jMark s =
"\n\n```" ++ s ++ "```"
main =
div [] [
text <| "Json Encoding"
, Markdown.toHtml [] (jMark (Json.Encode.encode 2 enc))
, br [] []
, Markdown.toHtml [] (jMark (Json.Encode.encode 2 (encLst r)))
import Html exposing (text, p)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
main =
p [ contenteditable True ][ text "Hello, World! click to edit" ]
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.App as App
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Json
import Task
main =
{ init = init "cats"
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
-- Parent Stuff
type alias Model =
{ topic : String
, gifUrl : String
, child : ChildModel
init : String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init topic =
childMsg = childGet
( Model topic "waiting.gif" child_init
, Cmd.batch [getRandomGif topic, ChildProxy childGet]
type Msg
= MorePlease
| FetchSucceed String
| FetchFail Http.Error
| ChildGet
| ChildProxy ChildMsg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
MorePlease ->
(model, getRandomGif model.topic)
FetchSucceed newUrl ->
({model | gifUrl = newUrl}, Cmd.none)
FetchFail _ ->
(model, Cmd.none)
ChildGet ->
cmd = childGet
mapped_cmd = (\x -> ChildProxy x) cmd
(model, mapped_cmd)
ChildProxy proxy_msg ->
(child_model, child_msg) = child_update proxy_msg model.child
({model | child = child_model}, Cmd.none)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
child_stuff = (\x -> ChildProxy x) (child_view model.child)
--child_stuff = (\x -> x) (child_view model.child)
div []
[ h2 [] [text model.topic]
, button [ onClick MorePlease ] [ text "More Cats!" ]
, button [ onClick ChildGet ] [ text "More Coffee!" ]
, br [] []
, img [src model.gifUrl] []
, child_stuff
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
getRandomGif : String -> Cmd Msg
getRandomGif topic =
url =
"" ++ topic
Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed (Http.get decodeGifUrl url)
-- Child Stuff
type alias ChildModel = {txt : String, gifUrl : String}
child_init : ChildModel
child_init = {txt = "init", gifUrl = "waiting.gif"}
type ChildMsg =
| Win String
| Fail Http.Error
child_update : ChildMsg -> ChildModel -> (ChildModel,Cmd Msg)
child_update msg model =
case msg of
Go ->
--cmd = Task...
x = 1
--(model, cmd)
(model, Cmd.none)
Win newUrl ->
({model | txt = "won", gifUrl = newUrl}, Cmd.none)
Fail _ ->
({model | txt = "did not win"}, Cmd.none)
child_view : ChildModel -> Html ChildMsg
child_view model =
div [] [
text <| "Child: " ++ model.txt
, hr [] []
, text <| "Url: " ++ model.gifUrl
, br [] []
, img [src model.gifUrl] []
childGet : Cmd ChildMsg
childGet =
Task.perform Fail Win (Http.get decodeGifUrl "")
-- Shared Stuff
decodeGifUrl : Json.Decoder String
decodeGifUrl = ["data", "image_url"] Json.string
import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
import Json.Decode
--| this is our test json string. it uses """ syntax for multi line strings
jsonString =
{ "key" : "bar" }
--| This is for our json object type alias
type alias LstItem = {key: String}
--| This alias defines a simple list of json objects [{"key":"value"}]
type alias Lst = List LstItem
--| this defines a decoder for the Json objects in our list.
decoder = Json.Decode.object1 LstItem ( ["key"] Json.Decode.string)
--| This defines a decoder function to process a list
decodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder Lst
decodeLst = Json.Decode.list decoder
--| this function actually runs the decoder and produces a Result
doDecodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder a -> String -> Result String a
doDecodeLst decodeLst raw_string =
Json.Decode.decodeString decodeLst raw_string
--| this one runs the decoder and processes the Result into an empty list or
--| the decoded list and disregards any errors
maybeDecodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder (List LstItem) -> String -> List LstItem
maybeDecodeLst decodeLst raw_string =
case Json.Decode.decodeString decodeLst raw_string of
Err str -> []
Ok lst -> lst
--| the main program, in this case a view.
main =
div [] [
text "decoding json"
, text "the first version creates a result: "
, text <| toString (doDecodeLst decodeLst jsonString)
, hr [] []
, text "the second version creates a record: "
, text <| toString (maybeDecodeLst decodeLst jsonString)
, hr [] []
, text "the third version creates an error by using the wrong decoder: "
, text <| toString (doDecodeLst decoder jsonString)
- recursion and unnesting
import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
import Dict
import String
main =
unnested = unnest p Dict.empty ""
path = [":parent","child1"]
pathString = String.join ":" path
found = Dict.get pathString unnested
updated = if found == Nothing then
div [] [
text "Recurse! ->"
, text (toString p)
, hr [] []
, text "Unnest! ->"
, text (toString unnested)
, hr [] []
, text <| " path string: " ++ pathString ++ " ... "
, text (toString found)
, hr [] []
, text <| " updated: " ++ (toString updated)
--unnest : Response -> String
unnest : Response -> Dict.Dict String Response -> String -> Dict.Dict String Response
unnest comment dict path =
case comment of
NoChild rec -> dict
ParentResponse rec ->
newPath = path ++ ":" ++
newDict = Dict.insert newPath comment dict
com = rec.response
unnest com newDict newPath
nest : Dict.Dict String Response -> Response
nest dict =
type Response
= ParentResponse {
name : String
, b : Bool
, s : String
, response : Response
| NoChild {
name : String
, b : Bool
, s : String
, response : Bool
p : Response
p =
ParentResponse {
name = "parent"
, b = False
, s = ""
, response = c1
c1 : Response
c1 =
ParentResponse {
name = "child1"
, b = False
, s = ""
, response = c2
c2 : Response
c2 =
ParentResponse {
name = "child2"
, b = False
, s = ""
, response = c3
c3 : Response
c3 =
ParentResponse {
name = "child3"
, b = False
, s = ""
, response = c4
c4 : Response
c4 =
NoChild {
name = "child"
, b = False
, s = ""
, response = True
import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
import Dict
main =
div [] [
text ("Hello, World!" ++ (toString record) ++ (toString dict))
, hr [] []
--, text (toString (recIt record))
, text (toString (recIt record))
, hr [] []
, text "Tuples: "
, text (toString tpls)
, hr [] []
, text "put_in: "
--, text (toString (put_in tpls))
, text (toString (put_in list3d ["name", "name2"]))
, text "todo: you were going to try to pattern match out a match on your update of the nested path"
record =
foo = ("String","foo")
,bar = {t = "Int",v = "1"}
record2 =
nofoo = {t = "Bool", v = "True"}
-- name, type, value
tpls =
( "foo", "Bool", "True")
--, ( "bar", "List",
-- ("baz", "Bool", "False")
-- )
niltpl = ("foo", "String", ("","","string var"))
nesttpl = ("bar", "Nest", ("baz", "String", " nested var"))
moretpls =
, nesttpl
type alias Item = (String, String, String)
type alias ItemList = (String, String, Item)
type alias SuperItem = (String, String, MaybeString)
--type Thing = Item | ItemList
type MaybeString = String | Item
type alias ThreeDeep =
( String, String,
( String, String,
( String, String, String)
threedeep =
("name", "type",
("name2", "type",
("", "value depth2", "")
threedeep2 =
("name", "type",
("name2", "type",
("name3", "type", "value depth 3")
threedeep3 =
("name", "type",
("", "value depth 1",
("", "", "")
list3d = [ threedeep, threedeep2, threedeep3 ]
put_in : List ThreeDeep -> List String -> List String
put_in lst path =
-- map list to find first path map
x = 1
-- return something
--put_in : List SuperItem -> List String -> List String
--put_in tpl names =
--recFun :
dict = Dict.fromList
("key", { name = "foo"})
, ("key2", { name = "1"})
, ("key", { name = "same key"})
type Splay = A | B
splay : Splay -> String
splay input =
case input of
A -> "out"
B -> "out2"
recIt record =
case record of
{foo} -> {hasFoo = True}
--{foo, bar} -> {hasFoo = False}
About this blog: This blog will discuss technology associated with my project. I am using Elixir and Phoenix for my backend, and React.js and Reflux for my front end. I have a library called Trabant to experiment with graph database persistence for Elixir. The views expressed on this blog are my own, and are not that of my current employer.
About Me: I am a hobbyist programmer interested in distributed computing. I dabble in Elixir, Ruby, and Javascript. I can't spell very well, and I enjoy golf.