elm examples

    encoding pairs (String,String)

    import Html exposing (text,div,br)
    import Json.Encode
    import Markdown
    type alias R = List(String,String)
    t = ("a","b")
    r = [t,t]
    s = "foo"
    enc = encPair t
    encPair : (String,String) -> Json.Encode.Value
    encPair r = 
        (a,b) = r
        Json.Encode.object [(a, Json.Encode.string b)]
    encLst : R -> Json.Encode.Value
    encLst lst = (\x -> encPair x) lst |> Json.Encode.list
    jMark : String -> String
    jMark s = 
      "\n\n```" ++ s ++ "```"
    main =
      div [] [
        text <| "Json Encoding" 
        , Markdown.toHtml [] (jMark (Json.Encode.encode 2 enc))
        , br [] []
        , Markdown.toHtml [] (jMark (Json.Encode.encode 2 (encLst r)))


    import Html exposing (text, p)
    import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
    main =
      p [ contenteditable True ][ text "Hello, World! click to edit" ]

    mock child component using http example

    import Html exposing (..)
    import Html.App as App
    import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
    import Html.Events exposing (..)
    import Http
    import Json.Decode as Json
    import Task
    main =
        { init = init "cats"
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = subscriptions
    -- Parent Stuff
    -- MODEL
    type alias Model =
      { topic : String
      , gifUrl : String
      , child : ChildModel
    init : String -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
    init topic =
        childMsg = childGet
      ( Model topic "waiting.gif" child_init
      , Cmd.batch [getRandomGif topic, ChildProxy childGet]
    -- UPDATE
    type Msg
      = MorePlease
      | FetchSucceed String
      | FetchFail Http.Error
      | ChildGet
      | ChildProxy ChildMsg
    update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
    update msg model =
      case msg of
        MorePlease ->
          (model, getRandomGif model.topic)
        FetchSucceed newUrl ->
          ({model | gifUrl = newUrl}, Cmd.none)
        FetchFail _ ->
          (model, Cmd.none)
        ChildGet -> 
            cmd = childGet
            mapped_cmd = (\x -> ChildProxy x) cmd
            (model, mapped_cmd)
        ChildProxy proxy_msg -> 
           (child_model, child_msg) = child_update proxy_msg model.child
           ({model | child = child_model}, Cmd.none)
    -- VIEW
    view : Model -> Html Msg
    view model =
      child_stuff = (\x -> ChildProxy x) (child_view model.child)
      --child_stuff = (\x -> x) (child_view model.child)
      div []
        [ h2 [] [text model.topic]
        , button [ onClick MorePlease ] [ text "More Cats!" ]
        , button [ onClick ChildGet ] [ text "More Coffee!" ]
        , br [] []
        , img [src model.gifUrl] []
        , child_stuff
    subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
    subscriptions model =
    -- HTTP
    getRandomGif : String -> Cmd Msg
    getRandomGif topic =
        url =
          "" ++ topic
        Task.perform FetchFail FetchSucceed (Http.get decodeGifUrl url)
    -- Child Stuff
    type alias ChildModel = {txt : String, gifUrl : String}
    child_init : ChildModel
    child_init = {txt = "init", gifUrl = "waiting.gif"}
    type ChildMsg = 
      | Win String
      | Fail Http.Error
    child_update : ChildMsg -> ChildModel -> (ChildModel,Cmd Msg)
    child_update msg model = 
      case msg of 
        Go ->
            --cmd = Task...
            x = 1
            --(model, cmd)
            (model, Cmd.none)
        Win newUrl ->
          ({model | txt = "won", gifUrl = newUrl}, Cmd.none)
        Fail _ -> 
          ({model | txt = "did not win"}, Cmd.none)
    child_view : ChildModel -> Html ChildMsg
    child_view model = 
      div [] [
        text <| "Child: " ++ model.txt
        , hr [] []
        , text <| "Url: " ++ model.gifUrl
        , br [] []
        , img [src model.gifUrl] []
    childGet : Cmd ChildMsg
    childGet = 
      Task.perform Fail Win (Http.get decodeGifUrl "")
    -- Shared Stuff
    decodeGifUrl : Json.Decoder String
    decodeGifUrl = ["data", "image_url"] Json.string

    json decoding

    import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
    import Json.Decode
    --|  this is our test json string.  it uses """ syntax for multi line strings
    jsonString = 
       { "key" : "bar" } 
    --| This is for our json object type alias
    type alias LstItem = {key: String}
    --| This alias defines a simple list of json objects [{"key":"value"}]
    type alias Lst = List LstItem
    --| this defines a decoder for the Json objects in our list.
    decoder = Json.Decode.object1 LstItem ( ["key"] Json.Decode.string)
    --| This defines a decoder function to process a list
    decodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder Lst
    decodeLst = Json.Decode.list decoder
    --|  this function actually runs the decoder and produces a Result
    doDecodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder a -> String -> Result String a
    doDecodeLst decodeLst raw_string = 
      Json.Decode.decodeString decodeLst raw_string
    --|  this one runs the decoder and processes the Result into an empty list or 
    --|  the decoded list and disregards any errors
    maybeDecodeLst : Json.Decode.Decoder (List LstItem) -> String -> List LstItem
    maybeDecodeLst decodeLst raw_string = 
      case Json.Decode.decodeString decodeLst raw_string of
        Err str -> []
        Ok lst -> lst
    --| the main program, in this case a view.
    main =
      div [] [
        text "decoding json"
        , text "the first version creates a result: "
        , text <| toString (doDecodeLst decodeLst jsonString)
        , hr [] []
        , text "the second version creates a record: "
        , text <| toString (maybeDecodeLst decodeLst jsonString)
        , hr [] []
        , text "the third version creates an error by using the wrong decoder: "
        , text <| toString (doDecodeLst decoder jsonString)

    frustrated with the difficulty to update nested data I was testing a few ways to provide something simular to elixir's put_in function

    - recursion and unnesting
    import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
    import Dict
    import String
    main =
        unnested = unnest p Dict.empty ""
        path = [":parent","child1"]
        pathString = String.join ":" path
        found = Dict.get pathString unnested 
        updated = if found == Nothing then
       div [] [
        text "Recurse! ->"
        , text (toString p)
        , hr [] []
        , text "Unnest! ->"
        , text (toString unnested)
        , hr [] []
        , text <| " path string: " ++ pathString ++ " ... "
        , text (toString found)
        , hr [] []
        , text <| " updated: " ++ (toString updated)
    --unnest : Response -> String
    unnest : Response -> Dict.Dict String Response -> String -> Dict.Dict String Response
    unnest comment dict path = 
      case comment of
        NoChild rec -> dict
        ParentResponse rec -> 
            newPath = path ++ ":" ++
            newDict = Dict.insert newPath comment dict
            com = rec.response
            unnest com newDict newPath
    nest : Dict.Dict String Response -> Response 
    nest dict = 
    type Response 
      = ParentResponse {
        name : String
        , b : Bool
        , s : String
        , response : Response
      | NoChild {
        name : String
        , b : Bool
        , s : String
        , response : Bool
    p : Response
    p = 
      ParentResponse {
      name = "parent"
      , b = False
      , s = ""
      , response = c1
    c1 : Response
    c1 = 
      ParentResponse {
      name = "child1"
      , b = False
      , s = ""
      , response = c2
    c2 : Response
    c2 = 
      ParentResponse {
      name = "child2"
      , b = False
      , s = ""
      , response = c3
    c3 : Response
    c3 = 
      ParentResponse {
      name = "child3"
      , b = False
      , s = ""
      , response = c4
    c4 : Response
    c4 = 
      NoChild {
      name = "child"
      , b = False
      , s = ""
      , response = True


    import Html exposing (text,div,hr)
    import Dict
    main =
      div [] [
        text ("Hello, World!" ++ (toString record) ++ (toString dict))
        , hr [] []
        --, text (toString (recIt record))
        , text (toString (recIt record))
        , hr [] []
        , text "Tuples: "
        , text (toString tpls)
        , hr [] []
        , text "put_in: "
        --, text (toString (put_in tpls))
        , text (toString (put_in list3d ["name", "name2"]))
        , text "todo: you were going to try to pattern match out a match on your update of the nested path"
    record = 
      foo = ("String","foo")
      ,bar = {t = "Int",v = "1"}
    record2 = 
      nofoo = {t = "Bool", v = "True"}
    -- name, type, value
    tpls = 
        ( "foo", "Bool", "True")
        --, ( "bar", "List", 
        --    ("baz", "Bool", "False")
        --  )
    niltpl = ("foo", "String", ("","","string var"))
    nesttpl = ("bar", "Nest", ("baz", "String", " nested var"))
    moretpls = 
        , nesttpl
    type alias Item = (String, String, String) 
    type alias ItemList = (String, String, Item)
    type alias SuperItem = (String, String, MaybeString)
    --type Thing = Item | ItemList
    type MaybeString = String | Item
    type alias ThreeDeep = 
      ( String, String, 
          ( String, String,
              ( String, String, String)
    threedeep = 
       ("name", "type",
         ("name2", "type",
           ("", "value depth2", "")
    threedeep2 = 
       ("name", "type",
         ("name2", "type",
           ("name3", "type", "value depth 3")
    threedeep3 = 
       ("name", "type",
         ("", "value depth 1",
           ("", "", "")
    list3d = [ threedeep, threedeep2, threedeep3 ]
    put_in : List ThreeDeep -> List String -> List String
    put_in lst path = 
        -- map list to find first path map
        x = 1
        -- return something
    --put_in : List SuperItem -> List String -> List String
    --put_in tpl names = 
    --recFun : 
    dict = Dict.fromList 
      ("key", { name = "foo"})
      , ("key2", { name = "1"})
      , ("key", { name = "same key"})
    type Splay = A | B
    splay : Splay -> String
    splay input =
      case input of
        A -> "out"
        B -> "out2"
    recIt record = 
      case record of
        {foo} -> {hasFoo = True}
        --{foo, bar} -> {hasFoo = False}

    %{description: "a few examples from learning elm", title: "elm examples"}

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About this blog: This blog will discuss technology associated with my project. I am using Elixir and Phoenix for my backend, and React.js and Reflux for my front end. I have a library called Trabant to experiment with graph database persistence for Elixir. The views expressed on this blog are my own, and are not that of my current employer.

About Me: I am a hobbyist programmer interested in distributed computing. I dabble in Elixir, Ruby, and Javascript. I can't spell very well, and I enjoy golf.