download python for windows (when serial support for WSL (bash) works this should all work within bash)
pip install pyserial
git clone
grab this (assuming the led is on pc13) somehow like via curl ““
connect your FTDI and move Boot0 to 1
Note that the -e option was needed
python.exe .\ -e -p COM4 -w .\generic_boot20_pc13.bin -v -V
Press reset, shoudl flash fast, then slow then go off.
About this blog: This blog will discuss technology associated with my project. I am using Elixir and Phoenix for my backend, and React.js and Reflux for my front end. I have a library called Trabant to experiment with graph database persistence for Elixir. The views expressed on this blog are my own, and are not that of my current employer.
About Me: I am a hobbyist programmer interested in distributed computing. I dabble in Elixir, Ruby, and Javascript. I can't spell very well, and I enjoy golf.